Sometimes the world isn't as boring as it first appears...


Photo 847
Check out the moving truck. Hope all of our stuff fits!


Photo 844
Apparently some customers got a little rowdy at Subway...



Photo 840Photo 839Photo 838Photo 837
Princess Amelia. Check out her paws sticking out from beneath the


Photo 829Photo 828
First box of kitchen stuff... only 100 or so more to go!



Photo 815
Can you guess what these women in uniform are discussing? Hint: those
are Bibles on their laps. Oh Baton Rouge tv....



Photo 812Photo 811Photo 810
Gavin shows me and Roger his car.



Photo 809
Distracting the driver... Hey, I drove the FIRST 4 hours, so i'm allowed
to play now! :)


Photo 808Photo 807
Driving to Atlanta... again. Vacation is a good thing. :)



Photo 792Photo 791
Hrm... Fish Oil, a dietary supplement. I'd rather starve I think.
Check out the odorless garlic!



Photo 788Photo 787
Puzzlemania at Hunter's this weekend. Note Caleb's toes in the
picture. :)
