Sometimes the world isn't as boring as it first appears...


Photo 485Photo 484Photo 483Photo 482Photo 481
The recent increase in the caterpilliar population is kinda freaking me
out. Their favorite pastime seems to be fornication, so I'm sure there
are more caterpillars to arrive. Check out the big mass on the tree -
that's a whole bunch of babies. It's like tadpoles, but bug style. I
hope these guys turn into butterflies instead of moths! They'd be
really cool to look at if there weren't 10 million of them per square
yard. I constantly have this creepy crawly feeling. Ick.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am guessing you didn't check their itty bitty fingers for a wedding band - so they may be married. If that is the case, it's just pure ole sex in front of the whole world!!

11:12 AM


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