Sometimes the world isn't as boring as it first appears...


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I'm not a programmer, but what do animals have to do with code?
However, I do appreciate the monkey hiding his eyes for VB. :) Notice
that the book for learning Python does not feature a snake as one might
expect, but rather a bunny. But I guess pythons eat bunnies? The only
one that makes sense is the book on Tomcat, which features a cat. But I
guess programmers aren't to blame for this problem, as i'm sure they did
not design the covers. Instead, some fancy pants editor probably got
drunk one night and thought up a great marketing idea - some kind of man
vs nature theme perhaps? Animals in the wild versus HAL. Or maybe it
was just some stoner who recently visited the zoo and decided to pull a
fast one on the publishing company. Nonetheless, i'm sure the books are
full of good info, and they're all available at your local bookstore.



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